Regarding the handling of personal information in our online shopping service
When customers use the online shopping service (hereinafter, this service) operated by Peacock Vacuum Bottle Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, our company), their personal information will be handled as follows. The definition of each term in this regulation follows the definition in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter, the "Personal Information Protection Act").
1. Personal information to be collected When we collect personal information from customers, we do so by lawful and fair means within the scope necessary for the purpose of collection. The personal information of customers that we collect includes the following:
(1) Information provided by customers ① Your name, furigana, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, password, gender, occupation, company name, department, job title ③ Credit card information used by customers when using this service ④ Information regarding the content of orders made using this service ⑤
(2) Information collected by the Company on its online shopping service and other websites: ① IP address information ②
2. Purpose of Use We use your personal information for the following purposes.
① To accept and register for use of this service (including membership registration), verify your identity, and confirm and contact you about your order details.
②To provide the Service, including arranging, selling, and delivering ordered products.
③To bill for the products you have ordered, etc.
④To handle returns, exchanges, refunds, etc. of ordered products.
⑤For after-sales service of ordered products, etc.
⑥To respond to inquiries, contacts, etc. from customers regarding orders or this Service.
⑦To manage customer purchasing information, etc.
8. To conduct analysis for advertising and marketing purposes based on customer order details, purchase information, and information on use of the Service.
9) To advertise products, services, events, etc. that we sell or provide (including information via direct mail, web media, email, and SNS (Facebook, Instagram, LINE, etc.)).
⑩To improve and enhance the content of this Service or develop new services.
⑪ To contact you as necessary, regarding new features, updates, campaigns, etc. of the Service, as well as information about other services provided by our company, maintenance of the Service, important notices, etc.
⑫To prevent and investigate violations of the terms of use of this service or fraudulent activities.
3. Restrictions on provision to third parties
(1) We will manage your personal data safely and appropriately, and will not disclose or provide your personal data to any third party other than our business partners or business associates, except in the following cases:
① When the customer's consent has been obtained. ② When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
③When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
④ When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government agency, local government entity, or an entity commissioned by them in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the customer's consent is likely to impede the performance of those duties.
⑤ When personal information is provided in connection with business succession due to merger, company division, business transfer, or other reasons 4. Entrustment of handling of personal data We may entrust all or part of the handling of personal data to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, we will thoroughly examine the suitability of the entrustee, stipulate matters related to confidentiality obligations in the contract, and provide necessary and appropriate supervision of the entrustee.
5. Use of Cookies Our website may use cookies to make browsing the site more convenient. Cookies cannot identify individual users (customers), and users cannot be identified unless they enter their own personal information on a page on the site. Users can refuse to accept cookies by changing their browser settings, but please note that in that case, some of the services provided on the website may not be available.
We will use cookie information for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving the quality of our Service, as well as for the development and improvement of our products and services, and for delivering advertisements tailored to users' usage of our Service.
6. Anonymously Processed Information When the Company processes collected personal information so that a specific individual cannot be identified, creates anonymously processed information that has been processed so that the personal information cannot be restored, or provides such information to a third party, the Company will take necessary measures in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission.
7. Safety Management MeasuresWe will take appropriate security measures to ensure the safety of personal information entrusted to us by our customers, such as restricting access to personal information files, recording access logs, and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access from outside. In the unlikely event of an accident such as a leak of personal information, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and related guidelines. We will also appoint a personal information protection manager and a manager for each department that handles personal information, and strive to manage personal information appropriately. We will also regularly educate and raise awareness about personal information protection for our employees.
8. Disclosure of Personal Information Customers may request that we disclose personal data held by us in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 11. When we receive such a request from a customer, we will respond as soon as reasonably possible after confirming that the request is from the person in question (including a person with legitimate authority such as an agent; the same applies below). We will disclose the information to the customer without delay. However, if disclosure falls under any of the following cases, we may not disclose all or part of the information, and if we decide not to disclose the information, we will notify you of that decision without delay.
① When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party. ② When there is a risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our business. ③ When there is a violation of other laws and regulations. 9. Correction of personal information, etc.
(1) If any of the personal data held by the Company is incorrect, you may request that the Company correct, add to or delete (hereinafter referred to as "Corrections, etc.") such personal data in accordance with the procedures set out in Section 11.
(2) If we receive a request as described in the preceding paragraph, we will confirm that the request is made by the individual in question and then conduct any necessary investigation without delay. If we determine as a result that the request is justified, we will correct the personal data concerned without delay.
(3) When the Company has made a decision as to whether or not to make corrections, etc. based on the preceding paragraph, the Company will contact the customer without delay.
10. Suspension of use of retained personal data, etc.
(1) You may request us to suspend the use of, delete, or suspend the provision to a third party of your personal data held by us (hereinafter referred to as "Suspension of Use, etc.") in accordance with the procedures set out in Section 11.
(2) When we receive a request under the preceding paragraph, we will confirm that the request is made by the person in question, conduct the necessary investigation without delay, and if we determine that the request is justified as a result, we will suspend the use of the relevant retained personal data. However, if suspending the use of the retained personal data would require a large amount of expenses or it would be difficult to suspend the use for other reasons, and we can take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of our customers, we will take these alternative measures.
(3) When the Company has made a decision as to whether or not to suspend use, etc. based on the preceding paragraph, the Company will contact the customer without delay.
11. Procedures for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data When making a request as set forth in Sections 8 to 10, please fill out the required information on the request form provided by our company, enclose a copy of your identity document (one of the following: your driver's license, passport, or copy of your health insurance card), and mail it to the address (contact point) listed in Section 16. If a request is made by a representative, in addition to the customer's identity document, the representative's identity document and a power of attorney showing that they are the customer's representative are required. Please note that a fee of ● yen will be charged for each request for disclosure of retained personal data. Please transfer the fee in advance to the bank account listed on the invoice we send you.
12. Procedure for changing the privacy policy We will review the contents of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it. The contents of this policy may be changed, except for matters otherwise specified by laws, regulations, or other provisions of this policy. The changed privacy policy will take effect when it is notified to customers or posted on our website in a manner specified by our company.
13. Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Standards We will comply with Japanese laws and other regulations that apply to personal information in our possession.
14. Response to Complaints and Inquiries We will accept complaints and inquiries from customers regarding the handling of personal information, and will respond appropriately and promptly.
15. Company Address, Name of Representative, and Personal Information Protection Manager Our company address, the name of our representative, and the personal information protection manager are as follows.
Personal information protection manager:●
16. Contact Information If you have any complaints, opinions or inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address.
Peacock Vacuum Bottle Co., Ltd. Customer Service
Mail ●
Date of enactment: ●Year●Month●Day